Blog Posts

5 Tasty Sauvignon Blanc reviews to get you started Part II
Part two of our intrepid exploration of Sauvignon Blanc tastiness. (There is a heat wave, drink up.) If you missed part one find it here 5 Tasty Sauvignon Blanc reviews to get you started Part I And the post that started it all 5 Minute Guide Sauvignon Blanc And now […]

5 Tasty Sauvignon Blanc reviews to get you started Part I
After writing the 5 Minute Guide to Sauvignon Blanc last week I went on a little tour of a few of the Sauvignon Blancs now available. I taste wines before selecting them for the shop, but tasting and re-tasting when possible is a good way to see how the wines […]

5 Minute Guide Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc ( soh-vee-NYAWN blahnk) is a green-skinned grape varietal that comes from the Bordeaux wine region of France. Sauvignon Blanc is generally crisp, refreshing and dry. It has been in planted in many places with success including France, Chili, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa as well as […]

25 Interesting things about Rosé Wine
Top Rosés of the World, Domain Tempier Just the facts. It is Rosé Time. We are seeing a steady release of great Rosés. Domaine Tempier is one of the best and most sought after Rosés in the world. Domaine Tempier Rosé will be delivered very soon, and disappears quickly. Keep […]

Champagne Bollinger demanded by James Bond
007 and Bollinger I may not be James Bond but I do love his choice of Champagne. Champagne Bollinger founded in 1829 has a long and prestigious history. Bollinger is located in the great Grande Cru Champagne Village of Aÿ (Pronouced AH- ee) known for it’s Pinot Noir Vines. Bollinger is […]